
    · 澳门金沙娱乐城app
    2023年03月22日 18:01   

  宗成利 博士 教授 博士生导师

  联系方式:海南省海口市人民大道58号澳门金沙娱乐城app 药学系,570228

  邮箱:[email protected]



  2020.10-至今  澳门金沙娱乐城app 教授

  2016.08-2020.10 默沙东制药公司-美国费城 高级科学家  

  2010.09-2016.05乔治亚大学(university of Georgia)-复杂碳水化合物研究中心(Complex Carbohydrate Research Center)(博士)

  2007.09-2010.07中国海洋大学-澳门金沙娱乐城app (硕士)

  2003.09-2007.07中国海洋大学-澳门金沙娱乐城app (本科)



澳门金沙娱乐城app -迈科康生物科技有限公司“先进疫苗研究联合实验室”-负责人












1)Xu, Y. #; Yang, J.; Meng, X. #; Meng, S.; Sun, T. *; Ding, N. *; Zong, C. *, The synthesis and preliminary immunological evaluation of a dual-adjuvant SARS-CoV-2 RBD vaccine: Covalent integration of TLR7/8 and iNKT cell agonists. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 270, 132258. IF=8.2 一区

2)Meng, X. #, Xu, Y. #, Yang, J., Meng, S., Ding, N., Sun, T.; Zong, C. *, Strategic development of a self-adjuvanting SARS-CoV-2 RBD vaccine: From adjuvant screening to enhanced immunogenicity with a modified TLR7 agonist. International Immunopharmacology, 2024, 132, 111909. IF=5.6

3)Yang, J. #; Meng, X.; Rao, Y.; Wang, X.; Meng, S.; Teng, C.; Sun, T. *; Zong, C.*, Harnessing the potential of de-sulfated heparin for targeted drug delivery: A three-component approach exemplified by conjugation with galactose and paclitaxel. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2024, 333, 121986. IF=11.2 一区

4)Weng, W. #; Ren, S. #; Teng, C. #; Guo, J.; Guo, Q.; Zhang, W.; Zong, C.*; Ding, N.*, Chemoenzymatic Synthesis and Immunological Evaluation of sialyl-Thomsen-Friedenreich (sTF) Antigen Conjugate to CRM197. 2024, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 117615. IF=3.5 三区

5)Shen, Y. #; Yuan, H. #; Guo, Z.; Li, X.; Yang, Z.*; Zong, C.*, Exonuclease III Can Efficiently Cleave Linear Single-Stranded DNA: Reshaping Its Experimental Applications in Biosensors. Biosensors, 2023, 13, 581. IF=5.5 二区

6)Teng, C. #; Meng, X.; Hu, Y.; Mao, H.; Li, H.; Yang, J.; Sun, T.; Meng, S.; Zong, C.*, Self-assembled TLR7/8 agonist-mannose conjugate as an effective vaccine adjuvant for SARS-CoV-2 RBD trimer. Polymers, 2022, 14, 5466. IF=5.0 二区

7)Sun, T. #; Mai, S-Y. #; Mao, H-Z.; Li, H-T.; Duan, Y-Y.; Meng, S.; Bao, J-L.; Ding, N.; Zong, C.*, Conjugate of Structurally Reassigned Pneumococcal Serotype 31 Polysaccharide with CRM197 Elicited Potent Immune Response. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 289, 119414 IF=11.2 一区

8)Li, H.#; Chen, C.; Mao, H-Z.; Xu, Y.; Meng, S.; Sun, T-T.; Zong, C.*, Efficient synthesis of α-galactosylceramide and its C-6 modified analogues, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022, 10, 1039731 IF=5.5 三区

9)Wan, Y. #; Zong, C.#; Li, X-P.; Wang, A.; Li, Y.; Yang, T.; Bao, Q.; Dubow, M.; Yang, M.*; Rodrigo, L-A. *; Mao, C. *, New Insights for Biosensing: Lessons from Microbial Defense System. Chemical Reviews, 2022, 122, 8126-8180 综述 IF=62.1 一区

10)Zong, C.#; Fang, L.; Song, F.; Wang, A.; Wan, Y.*, Fluorescent Fingerprint Bacteria by Multi-channel Magnetic Fluorescent Nanosensor. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019, 289, 234-241. IF=8.4 一区

11)Zong, C.#; Venot, A., Li, X.; Lu, W; Xiao, W.; Wilkes, J-W; Salanga, C-L.; Handel, T-M.; Wang, L.; Wolfert, M-A.; Boons, G-J.*, Heparan Sulfate Microarray Reveals that Heparan Sulfate-Protein Binding Exhibit Different Ligand Requirements. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 9534-9543. IF=15.0一区

12)Zong, C.#; Huang, R.; Condac, E.; Chiu, Y.; Xiao, W.; Li, X.; Lu, W.; Ishihara, M.; Wang, S.; Ramiah, A.; Stickney, M.; Azadi, P.; Amster, I-J.; Moremen, K-W.; Wang, L.; Sharp, J-S.; Boons, G-J.*, Integrated Approach to Identify Heparan Sulfate Ligand Requirements of Robo1. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 13059-13067. IF=15.0 一区

13)Zong, C.#; Venot, A.; Dhamale, O-P.; Boons, G-J.*, Fluorous supported modular synthesis of heparan sulfate oligosaccharides. Org. Lett., 2013, 15, 342–345. IF=5.2一区

14)Zong, C. #; Li, Z.; Sun, T.; Wang, P.; Li, Y.*, “Convenient Synthesis of Sulfated OligofucosidesCarbohydr. Res. 2010. 11, 1522-1532. IF=3.1 三区

15)Lu, W.#; Zong, C.; Chopra, P.; Pepi, L.; Xu, Y.; Amster, J.; Liu, J.; Boons, G-J.*, Controlled chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparan sulfate oligosaccharide. Angewandte Chemie, 2018, 57, 5340-5344. IF=16.6 一区

16)Capicciotti, C. J. #; Zong, C.; Sheikh, M.; Sun, T.; Wells, L.; Boons, G-J.*, Cell-Surface Glyco-Engineering by Exogenous Enzymatic Transfer using a Bi-Functional CMP-Neu5Ac Derivative. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 13342-13348. IF=15.0 一区

17)Huang, R.#; Zong, C.; Venot, A.; Chiu, Y.; Zhou, D.; Boons G-J.; Sharp, J.*, The de novo Sequencing of Complex Mixtures of Heparan Sulfate Oligosaccharides. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 5299-5307. IF=7.4 一区





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