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研究方向:药物化学 糖肽类化合物的化学生物学研究;点击化学的方法研究及其生物学应用;新型抗体药物偶联物(ADC)的构建;糖类疫苗的研发。
2020.10-至今 海南大学 副教授
2018.01-2020.09 宾夕法尼亚大学 博士后
2011.08-2017.12 乔治亚大学 化学(博士)
2007.09-2010.07 中国海洋大学 药物化学(硕士)
2003.09-2007.07 中国海洋大学 药学(本科)
1)Sun,T.; Yu,S.-H.;Zhao,P.;Meng,L.;Moremen,K.-W.;Wells,L.;Steet,R.;Boons,G.-J.,One-Step Selective Exoenzymatic Labeling (SEEL) Strategy for the Biotinylation and Identification of Glycoproteins of Living Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2016, 138, 11575−11582.
2)Sun,T.;Zhang,W.; Zong, C.; Wang, P.; Li, Y.,First total synthesis and stereochemical reassignmentoftasiamide B,J.Pept. Sci.,2010, 16, 364–374.
3)Yu, S.-H., P. Zhao, Prabhakar,P.K.Sun,T.Beedle, A. Boons, G.J. Moremen, K.W. Wells, L. and Steet,R. Defective mucin-type glycosylation on α-dystroglycan in COG-deficient cells increases its susceptibility to bacterial proteases.J. Biol. Chem.2018,293(37): 14534-14544.
4)Capicciotti, C.-J.;Zong, C.; Sheikh M.-O.;Sun, T.; Wells,L.;Boons, G.-J., Cell-Surface Glyco-Engineering by Exogenous Enzymatic Transfer Using a Bifunctional CMP-Neu5Ac Derivative,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 13342−13348.
5)Yu,S.-H.;Zhao,P.;Sun,T.;Gao,Z.;Moremen,K.-W.;Boons,G.-J.;Wells,L.;Steet,R.,Selective exo-enzymatic labeling detects increased cell surface sialoglycoprotein expression upon megakaryocytic differentiation.J. Biol. Chem.,2016, 291,3982–3989.
6)Zhang,W.;Sun,T.;Ma, Z.; Li, Y.,Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Tasiamide Analogues as Tumor Inhibitors.Mar. Drugs,2014,12, 2308–2325.
7)Zong, C.; Li, Z.;Sun, T.; Wang, P.; Li, Y.,Convenient Synthesis of Sulfated Oligofucosides,Carbohydr. Res.,2010, 11, 1522–1532.
8)Zhang,W.;Sun,T.;Li, Y.,Synthesis of the C-terminal pentapeptideof the peptaibol culicinins.Journal ofPeptideSci.,2009,15,366–368.
9)Zhang,W.;Sun,T.;Mei,D.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.,Synthesis of protected (2S,4R)-2-amino-4-methyldecanoicacid, a proposed component of culicinins.Chin. Chem. Let.,2008,19,1068–1070.