
    · 澳门金沙娱乐城app
    2024年06月18日 10:38   

程仲彬 男 理学博士  副教授  硕士生导师

邮箱:[email protected]/chengzhongbin@sandsapp.org


2021.05-2022.08  河南大学澳门金沙娱乐城app  副教授

2017.08-2021.04  河南大学澳门金沙娱乐城app  讲师

2014.09-2017.06     北京大学澳门金沙娱乐城app  生药学

2011.09-2014.06  中山大学澳门金沙娱乐城app  生药学

2007.09-2011.06  中山大学澳门金沙娱乐城app  药学 

2.研究方向: 天然药物化学



Journal of Natural Products9篇第一或独立通讯,IF 5.10Bioorganic Chemistry (IF 5.1)Marine Drugs (IF 5.4)Phytochemistry等领域内SCI期刊发表研究性论文40余篇,被引750余次、H-指数20。其中第一或通讯作者论文20余篇。Bioorg ChemFitoterapiaNat Prod Res常邀审稿人。主持和参与多项国家级项目。曾获中国药学会优秀论文二等奖、河南省科技进步二等奖。中国菌物学会海洋与淡水菌物学专业委员会委员,Marine Drugs客座编辑。


1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81903536,深海土曲霉中a-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂的发现、结构优化及构效关系研究, 2020/01-2022/12, 结项,主持

2)中国博士后科学基金第63批面上一等资助,2018M630815,海洋真菌PD-E1的次生代谢产物及其抗食管癌活性研究,2018/01-2020/12, 结项,主持

3) 河南省青年托举工程项目,2020HYTP059,托姆青霉Penicillium thomii中色原酮类抗炎成分的发现及作用机制研究,2020/01-2021/12, 结项,主持

4) 国家自然科学基金-国际合作,21861142006,抗多重耐药病原菌和生物膜新型海洋天然产物发现及分子机制研究,2019/01-2022/12,参与

5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81872793,抗HBV病毒新型海洋briarane萜类分子发现与作用机制研究,2019/01-2022/12,参与

6) 国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金,U1804176,茄呢醇衍生物的合成及其胶束作为活性药物载体的协同抗肿瘤作用.2019/01-2021/12, 参与

7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81573326,海绵内生放线菌以ent-cpp为前体的二萜类天然产物的发现及生物合成途径中的二萜合成酶的特征研究,2016/01-2019/12, 参与

8) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21502004,化学诱变海洋真菌WGC-25C-6突变株中混源倍半萜生物碱的结构多样性与抗流感活性研究,2016/01-2018/12, 参与


[1] Z. Zhang#, Y. Li#, H. Wang, W. Xu, C. Wang, H. Ma, F. Zhong, J. Ou, Z. Luo, H-B Luo, Z. Cheng*. Ergone derivatives from the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus YPGA10 and 25,28-dihydroxyergone-induced apoptosis in human colon cancer SW620 Cells. Journal of Natural Products, 2024 (In press, DOI: /10.1021/acs.jnatprod.4c00154).

[2] S. Han#, Huabin Ma#, Y. Wu, Y. Li, C. Wang, Q. Li, Z. Cheng*. Andrastin-type meroterpenoids, sesquicarane-type sesquiterpenoids, and penipyrols from the red pine seed-derived fungus Penicillium sp. Phytochemistry, 2024 (Accepted).

[3] Y. Lu, X. Zhao, M. Yuan, M. Zhao, K. Liu, M. Zhang, X. Qiu, X. Yu*, X. Liu*, D. Wei, J. Xie, Z. Cheng*. KYNU expression promotes cisplatin resistance in esophageal cancer, Journal of Cancer, 2024, 15, 2475-2485.

[4] Y. Li#, J. Shi#, R. Liu, Y. Liu, R. Liu, Z. Wu, W. Xu, H. Ma, H-B Luo, Z. Cheng*. Structure revisions of phenolic bisabolane sesquiterpenes and a ferroptosis inhibitor from the marine-derived Fungus Aspergillus versicolor YPH93. Journal of Natural Products 2023, 86, 830-841. (cited times: 7)

[5] W. Liu, Y. Liu, F. Yang, S. Han, J. Zhang, H. Yang*, Z. Cheng*, Q. Li*. Asperflaloids A and B from Aspergillus flavipes DZ-3, an endophytic fungus of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver, Molecules, 2021, 26, 3514. (cited times: 8)

[6] S. Han, Y. Liu, W. Liu, F. Yang, J. Zhang, R. Liu, F. Zhao*, W. Xu*, Z. Cheng*. Chromone derivatives with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity from the marine fungus Penicillium thomii Maire, Molecules, 2021, 26, 5273.

[7] Q. Li#, W. Xu#, R. Fan#, J. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Wang, S. Han, W. Liu, M. Pan, Z. Cheng*. Penithoketone and penithochromones A–L, polyketides from the deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium thomii YPGA3, Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, 2679–2685. (cited times: 22)

[8] Y. Li#, W. Liu#, S. Han, J. Zhang, W. Xu, Q. Li, Z. Cheng*. Penitholabene, a rare 19-nor labdane-type diterpenoid from the deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium thomii YPGA3, Fitoterapia, 2020, 146, 104691. (cited times: 13)

[9] Z. Cheng*, W. Liu, R. Fan, S. Han, Y. Li, X. Cui, J. Zhang, Y. Wu, X. Lv, Y. Zhang, Z. Luo, S.A. Alias, W. Xu*, Q. Li*. Terpenoids from the deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium thomii YPGA3 and their bioactivities, Marine Drugs 2020, 18, 164. (cited times: 11)

[10] Z. Cheng*, Y. Li, W. Xu, W. Liu, L. Liu, D. Zhu, Y. Kang, Z. Luo, Q. Li*. Three new cyclopiane-type diterpenes from a deep-sea derived Penicillium sp. YPGA11 fungus and their effects against human esophageal carcinoma cells. Bioorganic Chemistry 2019, 91, 103129. (cited times: 33)

[11] Z. Cheng#, W. Xu#, Y. Wang, S. Bai, L. Liu, Z. Luo, W. Yuan*, Q. Li*. Two new meroterpenoids and two new monoterpenoids from the deep sea-derived fungus Penicillium sp. YPGA11. Fitoterapia, 2019, 133, 120-124. (cited times: 37)

[12] Z. Cheng#, Y. Li#, W. Liu, L. Liu, J. Liu, W. Yuan*, Z. Luo, W. Xu*, Q. Li*. Butenolide derivatives with α-glucosidase inhibitions from the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus YPGA10. Marine Drugs 2019, 17, 332. (cited times: 23).

[13] Z. Cheng#, W. Xu#, L. Liu, S. Li, W. Yuan, Z. Luo, J. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Q. Li*. Peniginsengins B–E, New farnesylcyclohexenones from the deep sea-derived fungus Penicillium sp. YPGA11. Marine Drugs 2018, 16, 358. (cited times: 16).

[14] Z. Cheng#, D. Liu#, W. Cheng, P. Proksch, W. Lin*. Versiquinazolines L–Q, new polycyclic alkaloids from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor. RSC Advances 2018, 8, 31427-31439. (cited times: 16).

[15] Wei, Yunlong#; Wang, Chao#; Cheng, Zhongbin# (co-first author), et al. Heterodimeric diterpenoids isolated from euphorbia ebracteolata roots and their inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase. Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80, 3218-3223. (cited times: 39)

[16] Z. Cheng, L. Lou, D. Liu, X. Li, P. Proksch, S. Yin, W. Lin*. Versiquinazolines A-K, Fumiquinazoline-type alkaloids from the gorgonian-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor LZD-14-1. Journal of Natural Products, 2016, 79, 2941-2952. (cited times: 43)

[17] Z. Cheng, J. Zhao, D. Liu, P. Proksch, Z. Zhao*, W. Lin*. Eremophilane-type sesquiterpenoids from an Acremonium sp. fungus isolated from deep-sea sediments. Journal of Natural Products 2016, 79, 1035-1047. (cited times: 37)

[18] Z.-B. Cheng#, X. Lu#, J.-M. Bao, Q.-H. Han, Z. Dong, G.-H. Tang, L.-S. Gan*, H.-B. Luo*, S. Yin*. (±)-Torreyunlignans A-D, rare 8-9¢ linked neolignan enantiomers as phosphodiesterase-9A inhibitors from Torreya yunnanensis. Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77 (12), 2651-2657. (cited times: 20)

[19] Z.-B. Cheng#, Y.L. Deng#, C.Q. Fan, Q.H. Han, S.L. Lin, G.H. Tang, H.B. Luo*, S. Yin*. Prostaglandin derivatives: Nonaromatic phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors from the soft coral Sarcophyton ehrenbergi. Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77, 1928-1936. (cited times: 23)

[20] Z.B. Cheng#, W.W. Shao#, Y.N. Liu, Q. Liao, T.T. Lin, X.Y. Shen, S. Yin*. Extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) inhibitors from Aristolochia yunnanensis. Journal of Natural Products, 2013, 76, 664-671. (cited times: 23)

[21] Z.B. Cheng, H. Xiao, C.Q. Fan, Y.N. Lu, G. Zhang, S. Yin*. Bioactive polyhydroxylated sterols from the marine sponge Haliclona crassiloba. Steroids, 2013, 78, 1353-1358. (cited times: 31).


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