
    · 澳门金沙娱乐城app
    2023年07月07日 18:14   

  任永申 中国农工民主党党员 博士 研究员 博士生导师

  E-mail: [email protected]

  2001.9-2011.6就读于成都中医药大学澳门金沙娱乐城app 中药学专业,获学士、硕士、博士学位;2011.6-2023.6就职于中南民族大学澳门金沙娱乐城app ,历任讲师、硕士导师、副教授,期间(2015.3-2017.2)获国家公派赴美国耶鲁大学医学院访学两年;2023年通过高层次人才引进到澳门金沙娱乐城app 工作,担任研究员、博士生导师、民族药物质基础团队负责人。兼任第十四届湖北省青年联合会委员、中药全球化联盟(CGCM)理事、中国药学会临床中药学分会理事、世中联中医疗养专委会常务理事、中国民族医药学会畲医药分会常务理事等职。




[1] 海南大学科研启动经费,海南特色药材物质基础及开发利用,2023.07-2028.6;

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目,81773893,基于功效多向性与谱效灰色关联分析的中药药效物质辨识与质量控制研究,2018.01-2021.12;

[3] 国家重大新药创制计划课题,2017ZX09301060-001,基于民族医药理论的创新民族药物有效性评价关键技术研究2017.1-2021.6;

[4] 国家自然科学基金项目,81202935,基于多模态生物影像技术检测炮制对黄连升降浮沉作用趋向的影响,2012.01-2015.12;

[5] 湖北省揭榜制重点研发项目,2020BED017,抗感中药新药开发研究,2020.07-2023.12

[6] 湖北省自然科学基金项目,2015CFB302,基于组分敲出/敲入的注射用七叶皂苷钠刺激性物质辨识与产品提升研究,2015.01-2017.12

[7] 武汉“3551光谷人才计划”创业人才,2021;

[8] 镇江市“金山英才”创业人才,2021;

[9] 江西省“双千计划”科技创新高端人才,2020;


[1] 2021年度湖北省科技进步奖二等奖,基于功效导向的中药药效物质辨识关键技术及应用,第一完成人

[2] 2021年度湖北省省委人才领导小组“科技副总”工作突出专家表彰

[3] 2022年度第九届湖北省高等学校教学成果奖特等奖,产业需求导向的民族高校药学创新人才培养体系构建与实践,第十完成人

[4] 2020年度中国民族医药学会科学技术奖二等奖,土家药的化学成分研究及应用,第五完成人

[5] 2018年度湖北省科技进步奖二等奖基于中药及民族药物库和活性导向的新药发现策略及其应用,第八完成人

[6] 首届全国高校黄大年式教师团队——民族药学教师团队核心成员(2017年度)


[1] CHENG Long, TIAN Hui-lin, LEI Hong-yuan, WANG Ying-zhou, JIAO Ma-jing, LIANG Yun-hui, WU Zhi-zheng, DENG Xu-kun, REN Yong-shen (*). Bear Bile Powder Ameliorates LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Inhibiting CD14 Pathway and Improving Intestinal Flora: Exploration of Fei (Lung)-Large Intestine Interaction. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2023, DOI:  3556-9

[2] Liu, P. (#), Ye, L. (#), Ren, Y. (#), Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Lu, S., Li, Q., Wu, C., Bai, L., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Z., Shi, Z., Yin, S., Liao, M., Lan, Z., Feng, J., & Chen, L.. Chemotherapy-induced phlebitis via the GBP5/NLRP3 inflammasome axis and the therapeutic effect of aescin. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2023, 180(8), 1132–1147.

[3] Jiao Ai, Yong-Shen Ren(*),Long Cheng, Xin-Qiao Liu, Yan-Qiu Li, Ma-Jing Jiao, Ying-Zhou Wang, Xin Deng, Lin-Lin Chen. Identification of key genes and active anti-inflammatory ingredients in Panax medicinal plants by climate-regulated callus culture combined with gene-component-efficacy gray correlation analysis. Acupunct Herb Med 2022;2(4):261–273. doi: 10.1097/HM9.0000000000000049

[4] Xin Deng(1), Hong-Yuan Lei(1), Yong-Shen Ren(*), Jiao Ai, Yan-Qiu Li, Shuai Liang, Lin-Lin Chen, Mao-Chuan Liao. A novel strategy for active compound efficacy status identification in multi-tropism Chinese herbal medicine (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi) based on multi-indexes spectrum-effect gray correlation analysis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2022, 300, 115677

[5] Majing Jiao(1), Xinqiao Liu(1), Yongshen Ren(*), Yingzhou Wang, Long Cheng, Yunhui Liang,Yanqiu Li, Tianpei Zhang, Wen Wang and Zhinan Mei Comparison of herbal medicines used for women’s menstruation diseases in different areas of the world. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.751207

[6] Zheng Yao, Lei Lei, Liang Shuai, Ai Jiao, Deng Xin, Li Yan-qiu, Zhang Tian-pei, Pu Shi-biao, and Ren Yong-shen(*).Protective Effect of Fresh/Dry Dandelion Extracts on APAP-Overdose-Induced Acute Liver Injury. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2021, 11655

[7] Yongshen Ren(*), Shuai Liang, Yao Zheng, Xin Deng, Lei Lei, Jiao Ai, Yanqiu Li. Tianpei Zhang, Linlin Chen, Zhinan Mei, Yung-Chi Cheng, Caijing He. Investigation on the function tropism of Tiaoqin and Kuqin (different specification of Scutellaria baicalensis) by comparing their curative effect on different febrile disease model. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2021,268, 113596

[8] Yongshen Ren(*), Jiao Ai, Xinqiao Liu, Shuai Liang, Yao Zheng, Xin Deng, Yan Li, Jing Wang, Xukun Deng, Linlin Chen(*). Anticoagulant active ingredients identification of total saponin extraction of different Panax medicinal plants based on grey relational analysis combined with UPLC-MS and molecular docking. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2020, 251: 112955

[9] Shuai Liang, Yao Zheng, Lei Lei, Xin Deng, Jiao Ai, Yanqiu Li, Tianpei Zhang, Zhinan Mei and Yongshen Ren(*). Corydalis edulis total alkaloids (CETA) ameliorates cognitive dysfunction in rat model of Alzheimer disease through regulation of the antioxidant stress and MAP2/NF-kappa B. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2020, 251: 112540

[10] Yongshen Ren(1,*) , Yao Zheng(1), Huan Duan, Lei Lei, Xin Deng, Xinqiao Liu, Xukun Deng (*). Dandelion polyphenols protect against acetaminophen induced hepatotoxicity in mice via activating the Nrf-2/HO-1 and inhibiting the JNK signaling pathway. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2020, 18(2): 103–113

[11] Liang Shuai(1), Deng Xin (1), Lei Lei, Zheng Yao, Ai Jiao, Linlin Chen, Zhinan Mei, Yung-Chi Cheng(*) and Yongshen Ren(*). The comparative study of the therapeutic Effects and mechanisms of Baicalin, Baicalein and their Combinations on ulcerative colitis rat Fronters in Pharmacology Ethnopharmacology. 2019,

[12] Ren Yongshen(*,1), Lei Lei(1), Deng Xin, Zheng Yao, Li Yan, Li Jun, Mei Zhinan (*). Novel application of neural network modelling for multicomponent herbal medicine optimization. Scientific Reports. 2019,

[13] Feifei Zhang(1), Jie Ba (1) , Lei Lei, Yao Zheng, Xin Deng, Weijun Li, Peng Liu, Yongshen Ren(*). Investigation on the Optimum Preparation of Peach Gum Polysaccharides and Its Therapeutic Effects and Mechanisms on Acute Pyelonephritis in Vivo and Vitro. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2019,  

[14] Yongshen Ren, Ziliang Yuan, Kangle Lv, Jie Sun, Zehui Zhang(*) , Quan Chi. Selective and metal-free oxidation of biomass derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-diformylfuran over nitrogen-doped carbon materials. Green Chemistry. 2018. 20: 4946

[15] Haida Teng(1), Yongshen Ren(1), Ziyu Ma, Xue Tan, Jing Xu, Yu Chen, Guangzhong Yang(*). Homoadamantane polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols from the fruits of Garcinia multiflora. Fitoterapia. 2019, 137: 104245

[16] Jie Yang, Shihao Deng, Mi Huang, Xinhua Ma, Ping Song, Jingwen Du, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Yongshen Ren(*), Xinzhou Yang(*). Inhibitory effect of kurarinone on growth of human non-small cell lung cancer: an experimental study both in vitro and in vivo studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology Ethnopharmacology. 2018. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00252


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