周 泱 理学博士 副研究员 硕士生导师
邮箱:[email protected];[email protected]
1. 教育背景
2018-9至2023-6, 四川大学,药剂学,理学博士;
2014-9至2018-6, 四川大学, 药学,理学学士;
2. 科研情况
课题组围绕具有环境敏感性的纳米递药系统及其材料的设计、合成和评价,用于乳腺癌及其转移的治疗。目前已在Small,Acta Pharm Sin B, Biomaterials等期刊发表了10篇SCI论文,其中以第一作者发表5篇。
3. 研究方向
⑴ 环糊精超分子自组装和药物自组装系统的设计和评价;
⑵ 研究改善药物递送效率、调节肿瘤微环境中相关免疫靶点、多模态成像等。
4. 代表性成果
⑴ Zhou Yang, Zhang Yiwei, Jiang Chaoqing, Chen Yuxiu, Tong Fan, Yang Xiaotong, Wang Yazhen, Xia Xue, Gao Huile*. Rosmarinic Acid-Crosslinked Supramolecular Nanoassembly with Self-Regulated Photodynamic and AntiMetastasis Properties for Synergistic Photoimmunotherapy. Small, 2023, 2300594. (IF = 15.153)
⑵ Zhou Yang, Tong Fan, Gu Weilong, He Siqin, Yang Xiaotong, Li Jiamei, Gao Yue-Dong*, Gao Huile*. Co-delivery of photosensitizer and diclofenac through sequentially responsive bilirubin nanocarriers for combating hypoxic tumors. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2022, 12(3): 1416-1431. (IF = 14.907)
⑶ Zhou Yang, Liu Rui, Shevtsov Maxim, Gao Huile*. When imaging meets sizetransformable nanosystems. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 2022, 183:114176. (IF = 17.873)
⑷ Zhou Yang, Yu Wenqi, Cao Jun*, Gao Huile*. Harnessing carbon monoxide releasing platforms for cancer therapy. Biomaterials, 2020, 255, 120193. (IF = 10.317)
⑸ Zhou Yang, Chen Xianchun, Cao Jun*, Gao Huile*. Overcoming the Biologic Barriers in Tumor Microenvironment for Improving Drug Delivery and Efficacy. J Mater Chem B, 2020, 8 (31): 6765-6781. (IF = 5.344)
⑹ Li Jiamei, Zhou Yang, Liu Jiaqi, Yang Xiaotong, Zhang Kai, Lei Lei, Hu Haili, Zhang Huilin, Ouyang Liang*, Gao Huile*. Metal-phenolic networks with ferroptosis to deliver NIR-responsive CO for synergistic therapy. J Control Release, 2022, 352: 313-327. (IF = 11.467)
⑺ Xia Xue, Zhou Yang, Gao Huile*. Prodrug strategy for enhanced therapy of central nervous system disease. Chem Comm, 2021, 57: 8842-8855. (IF = 6.065)
⑻ Qin Yi#, Tong Fan#, Zhang Wei#, Zhou Yang, He Siqin, Xie Rou, Lei Ting, Wang Yushan, Peng Shaojun, Li Zhaofeng, Leong Julian, Gao Huile*, Lu Ligong*. Self-delivered supramolecular nanomedicine with transformable shape for ferrocene-amplified photodynamic therapy of breast cancer and bone metastases. Adv Funct Mater, 2021, 31, 2104645. (IF = 19.924)
⑼ Ruan Shaobo, Zhou Yang, Jiang Xinguo, Gao Huile*. Rethinking CRITID procedure of brain targeting drug delivery: circulation, blood brain barrier recognition, intracellular transport, diseased cell Targeting, internalization, and drug Release. Adv Sci, 2021, 8(9): 2004025. (IF = 17.521)
⑽ Yu Wenqi#, Liu Rui#, Zhou Yang, Gao Huile*. Size-Tunable Strategies for a Tumor Targeted Drug Delivery System. ACS Cent Sci, 2020, 6(2), 100-116. (IF = 12.685)