石东磊 男 博士 副研究员 博(硕)士生导师
电子邮箱:[email protected]; [email protected]
2011.09-2015.06 黑龙江大学 制药工程 学士
2016.09-2019.06 西北大学 材料工程 硕士
2020.09-2023.06 华东理工大学 药 学 博士
2. 科研情况
研究方向聚焦衰老及相关疾病的精准诊断与治疗前沿,开展衰老进程精准识别探针分子与诊疗一体化药物分子研发。一方面,设计合成衰老进程精准识别探针分子,用以可视化研究衰老发生机制,辅助抗衰老药物研发;设计合成实用型衰老识别探针,构建药物筛选平台,高通量、快捷评价、筛选抗衰老药物。另一方面基于衰老进程发生机制,设计合成诊疗一体化抗衰老药物分子,精准可视化靶向作用于衰老细胞,延缓机体衰老进程、治疗衰老相关疾病。以第一/共一/共通作者身份在Nature Aging、Chemical Science、Sensors and actuators B-Chemical等期刊发表论文10篇,申请发明专利5项。
3. 研究领域
4. 代表性成果
[1] Donglei Shi†; Wenwen Liu†; Ying Gao†; …; Yuan Guo*; Jian Li*, Photoactivatable senolysis with single-cell resolution delays aging, Nat. Aging, 2023, 3, 297-312. (SCI, IF = 16.6, JCR一区; Research Briefing, Nat. Aging, 2023, 3, 244-245;News & Views, Nat. Chem., 2023, 15, 451-452.)
[2] Donglei Shi†; Shuqiang Chen†; Biao Dong†; ...; Yuan Guo*, Evaluation of HOCl-generating anticancer agents by an ultrasensitive dual-mode fluorescent probe, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 3715-3722. (SCI, IF = 8.4, 中科院大类一区, 他引91次)
[3] Xu Qu†, Pengzhao Wu†, Kaixuan Duan†, …, Yuan Guo*, Jianjian Zhang*, Donglei Shi*, Self-calibrating probes constructed on a unique dual-emissive fluorescence platform for the precise tracking of cellular senescence. Chinese Chem. Lett. 2024, 12, 109681.
[4] Donglei Shi†; Linghao Hu†; Xinming Li†; …; Yuan Guo*, Jian Li*, Lysosomal polarity increases with aging as revealed by a lysosome-targetable near-infrared fluorescent probe, Sens. Actuators B, 2020, 319, 128302.(SCI, IF = 8.4, 中科院大类一区, 他引17次)
[5] Donglei Shi†; Wenwen Liu†; Guangwei Wang; Yuan Guo*; Jian Li*, Small-molecule fluorescence-based probes for aging diagnosis, Acta Materia Medica, 2022, 1, 4-23
[6] Jingye Tian†; Donglei Shi† (Co-first author); Yanhui Zhang†; …; Jian Li*; Yuan Guo*, Stress response decay with aging visualized using a dual-channel logic based fluorescent probe, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 13483-13491. (SCI, IF = 8.4, 中科院大类一区, 他引17次)
[7] Huan Wang†; Donglei Shi† (Co-first author); …; Jian Li; Yuan Guo*, A facile fluorescent probe with a large Stokes shift for sequentially detecting copper and sulfide in 100% aqueous solution and imaging them in living cells, Sens. Actuators B, 2018, 256, 600-608. (SCI, IF = 8.4, 中科院大类一区, 他引62次)
[8] Linghao Hu†; Donglei Shi† (Co-first author); Xinming Li†; …; Yuan Guo*; Jian Li*, Curcumin-based polarity fluorescent probes: Design strategy and biological applications, Dyes Pigments, 2020, 177, 108320. ( SCI, IF = 4.5, 中科院大类二区, 他引28次)
[9] Yihe Song†; Xinming Li†; Donglei Shi† (Co-first author); …; Yuan Guo*; Jian Li*, A senolysis-based theragnostic prodrug strategy towards chronic renal failure, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 11738-11745. (SCI, IF = 9.969, 中科院大类一区)
[10] Liangliang Gao; Shuli Pan; Ying Gao; Donglei Shi* (Co-corresponding author); Yuan Guo*, Recent development of organic small-molecule and nanomaterial fluorescent probes for hydrazine, Advanced Agrochem, 2022, 1, 22-38.