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    2024年01月03日 11:13   

   理学博士  高聘研究员  硕士生导师


200309-200706 齐齐哈尔大学 生物工程 学士

200709-201006 齐齐哈尔大学 遗传学  硕士

201009-201306 东北师范大学 细胞生物学 博士




主要从事交叉组学策略在耳鼻咽喉疾病诊断,靶点筛选,疗效预判及个体化用药的相关研究,曾作为外聘专家,负责“国家耳鼻咽喉临床医学研究中心”自动化精准医疗医学大数据平台建设。部分研究成果已发表于“molecule cancer"(IF=41.444);此外,同时致力于听觉保护及内耳靶向给药分子机制研究,在听觉系统跨血迷路屏障无创药物递送领域,原创性证明LRP1受体是可控状态下开启BLB的关键“钥匙”,该研究已发表于高水平学术期刊Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy(IF=38.104),并获批发明专利一项。



Journal of Otology 编委

中华耳科学杂志  编委

徐州医科大学校报 青年编委

徐州医科大学(临床学院) 客座硕士生导师











1)Shi Xi†;Wang Zihao†; Ren Wei†......Zhong Wu*; Lin Jian*; and Yang Shiming*; LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1), a novel target for opening the blood-labyrinth barrier (BLB), Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy, 2022, 7:175. (SCI, IF=38.104, 中科院大类一区)

2)Lu Cheng†; Shi Xi†; Wang Amanda Y†,......Hu Hongyi*; Liu Liangfa*. RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas[J]. Molecular cancer, 2018, 17(1): 86.  (SCI, IF=41.444, 中科院大类一区)

3)Li Rifei†; Zhu Xinjie†...... Shi Xi*. Generation of a high-affinity nanobody against CD147 for tumor targeting and therapeutic efficacy through conjugating doxorubicin. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13:852700. (SCI, IF=8.786, 中科院大类二区 )

4)Li Yalan†; Li Shengsheng†, Wu Liyuan†......Shi X*, Qiao Y*. Sestrin 2 deficiency exacerbates noise-induced cochlear injury through inhibiting ULK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2023, 38 (1-3):115-136. (SCI, IF=7.468, 中科院大类二区 )

5)Chen M†, Li M†, Wu L†......Lin C*, Shi X*, Yang S*. Oridonin employs interleukin 1 receptor type 2 to treat noise-induced hearing loss by blocking inner ear inflammation. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2023, 210: 115457. DOI:10.1016/j.bcp.2023.115457 .(SCI, IF=6.1, 中科院大类二区top)

6)Li Menghua†; Wu Liyuan†; Chen Mengbing†......Qiao Yuehua*; Ke Zhaoyang*; and Shi Xi*; Co-activation of Caspase-1 and Caspase-8 in CMV-induced SGN death by inflammasome-associated pyroptosis and apoptosis, International immunopharmacology, 2022, 113:109305. (SCI, IF=5.714, 中科院大类二区)

7)Wu Liyuan†; Chen Mengbing†; Li Menghua†...... Liu Ke*; Qiao Yuehua*; Shi Xi*. Oridonin alleviates kanamycin-related hearing loss by inhibiting NLRP3/ caspase-1/ gasdermin D-induced inflammasome activation and hair cell pyroptosis. Molecular Immunology, 2022, 149: 66-76. (SCI, IF=4.174, 中科院大类三区 )

8)Li Menghua†; Guo M†; Xu Y† ......Qiao Yuehua*; Ke Zhaoyang*; Shi Xi*. Murine cytomegalovirus employs the mixed lineage kinases family to regulate the spiral ganglion neuron cell death and hearing loss. Neuroscience Letters. 2022 Nov 28:136990. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2022.136990. (SCI, IF=3.197, 中科院大类四区)

9)Li Menghua†; Zhang Yan†; Qiu Shiwei†...... Guo Weiwei*; Qiao Yuehua*; Shi Xi*. Oridonin ameliorates noise-induced hearing loss by blocking NLRP3 - NEK7 mediated inflammasome activation. International immunopharmacology, 2021, 95:107576. (SCI, IF=4.932, 中科院大类二区 )

10)Shi Xi†......Wang Xiaohong*. MicroRNA-379 Suppresses Cervical Cancer Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Directly Targeting V-crk Avian Sarcoma Virus CT10 Oncogene Homolog-Like (CRKL)[J]. Oncology Research: Featuring Preclinical and Clinical Cancer Therapeutics, 2018, 26(7): 987-996. (SCI, IF=4.938, 中科院大类二区)

11)Shi Xi†......Qiao Yuehua*. Follicle-stimulating hormone inhibits cervical cancer via nF-κB pathway[J]. OncoTargets and therapy, 2018, 11: 8107. (SCI, IF=4.345, 中科院大类三区)

12)Zhuang Wei†; Wang Caiji†; Shi Xi†.......Qiao Yuehua. MCMV triggers ROS/ NLRP3-associated inflammasome activation in the inner ear of mice and cultured spiral ganglion neurons, contributing to sensorineural hearing loss[J]. International journal of molecular medicine, 2018, 41(6): 3448-3456. (SCI, IF=5.314, 中科院大类三区)

13)Shi Xi†,......Qiao Yuehua*; Liu Ke*. A Novel GJB2 compound heterozygous mutation c. 257C> G (p. T86R)/c. 176del16 (p. G59A fs* 18) causes sensorineural hearing loss in a Chinese family[J]. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis, 2018, 32(7): e22444. (SCI, IF=1.728, 中科院大类四区)

14)Yuan Na†; Qiu Shiwei†......Yang Shiming*; Qiao Yuehua*; and Shi Xi*. Hearing analysis in heterozygous and homozygous klotho gene deficient mice[J]. Journal of otology, 2018, 13(4): 131-134. (ESCI )

15)Shi Xi†; Tian Baoqong†......Qiao Yuehua*. GSK3β activity is essential for senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF) formation induced by HMGA2 in WI38 cells[J]. American journal of translational research, 2017, 9(1): 167. (SCI, IF=3.94, 中科院大类三区)

16)Shi Xi†; Qiu Shiwei†; Zhuang Wei†......Qiao Yuehua*. NLRP3-inflammasomes are triggered by age-related hearing loss in the inner ear of mice[J]. American journal of translational research, 2017, 9(12): 5611. (SCI, IF=3.061, 中科院大类三区)

17)吴俪媛, 郭瑞, 柳柯, 冀飞, 乔月华, & 时晰. (2022). 氨基糖苷类抗生素在小鼠耳蜗毛细胞中的分布特征研究. 中华耳科学杂志(020-003).

18)吴俪媛, 陈梦冰, 李梦华, 邱士伟, 乔月华, 张岩,& 时晰. (2022). Ednrb基因在waardenburg综合征发病中的作用研究进展. 中华耳科学杂志(020-002).




授权专利:获已授权发明专利 3 项、实用新型专利 1 项、外观设计专利 0 项.

1)柳柯;时晰Otof 1273 (C>T)基因定点突变的耳聋小鼠模型的构建方法及其应用,2021-11-12,中国,ZL202110894148.4.



4)万美蓉;时晰;去免疫原人脐带内膜-纤维蛋白复合皮肤支架的制备方法,2022-11-11,中国,CN 112891632 B

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