
    · 澳门金沙娱乐城app
    2024年08月30日 15:06   

 李 仙 博士 硕士生导师  

 邮箱:[email protected]


 2011-09 至 2014-08, 韩国岭南大学, 药学专业, 药学博士

 2009-09 至 2011-08, 韩国岭南大学, 药学专业, 药学硕士

 2005-09 至 2009-06, 延边大学, 药学专业, 医学学士


 课题组致力于开展抗过敏候选新药研发与新靶标/机制、机理研究。目前已在Allergy、J Allergy Clin Immunol.等SCI期刊发表论文30篇,其中以第一作者发表13篇。






(1)Jin F#, Li X#,Deng Y, Timilshina M, Huang B, Kim DY, et al. The orphan nuclear receptor NR4A1 promotes FcepsilonRI-stimulated mast cell activation and anaphylaxis by counteracting the inhibitory LKB1/AMPK axis. Allergy.2019 Jun;74(6):1145-1156. (IF=12.4)

(2)Li X#, Park SJ#, Jin F, Deng Y, Yang JH, Chang JH, et al. Tanshinone IIA suppresses FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell signaling and anaphylaxis by activation of the Sirt1/LKB1/AMPK pathway. Biochem Pharmacol, 2018 Jun;152:362-372. (IF=5.8)

(3)Li X, Kanegasaki S, Jin FS , Deng YF , Kim JR , Chang HW , Tsuchiya T. Simultaneous induction of HSP70 expression, and degranulation, in IgE/Ag-stimulated or extracellular HSP70 -stimulated mast cells. Allergy ,2018 Feb;73(2):361-368. (IF=12.4)

(4)Oh SG#, Li X#,Lee HW, Singh TD, Lee SB, Ji HD, et al. Non-invasive visualization of mast cell recruitment and its effects in lung cancer by optical reporter gene imaging and glucose metabolism monitoring. Biomaterials , 2017 Jan;112:192-203. (IF=14.0)

(5)Li X#, Lee YJ#, Jin F, Park YN, Deng Y, Kang Y, et al. Sirt1 negatively regulates FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell activation through AMPK- and PTP1B-dependent processes.Sci Rep, 2017 Jul 25;7(1):6444. (IF=4.6)

(6)Li X, Kwon O, Kim DY, Taketomi Y, Murakami M, Chang HW. NecroX-5 suppresses IgE/Ag-stimulated anaphylaxis and mast cell activation by regulating the SHP-1-Syk signaling module. Allergy 2016; 71: 198–209 (IF=12.4)

(7)Hwang SL#, Lu Y#, Li X#, Kim YD, Cho YS, Jahng Y, et al. ERK1/2 antagonize AMPK-dependent regulation of FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell activation and anaphylaxis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014.09.(IF=14.2)

(8)Hwang SL#,Li X#, Lu Y#, Jin Y, Jeong YT, Kim YD, et al. AMP-activated protein kinase negatively regulates FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell signaling and anaphylaxis in mice. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013.09. (IF=14.2)

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